Monday, May 23, 2011

3rd Day

This will be very short because I posted a long essay initially but apparently I can't use both blogger (signed in with one google account) with a google email account (another google account) simultaneously. Google had a seizure when I tried to post it. Damn you, Google.

Switched on stirrer first thing in the morning. Colour had turned from yellow yesterday to dark orange today. Obeserved white solids in the transparent liquid, which is worrying, because my partner's mixture was yellow transparent.

Helped friend with filtration of organic solvent from shredded plants after soaking them in the solvents for overnight. Then transfered some amounts of liquids to test tubes to test for compounds tannin and another compound (forgot)

Will tell you the methods that I used later.

Also did TLC for another friend while she collected elutes from her column chromatography.
Helped another friend with rotatory evaporation (by playing 'eliminate-the-bubbles')

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